Saturday, March 28, 2015

One Step At a Time

While eating breakfast this morning, I recalled that today would mark my first Ivy League Connection milestone event. Surely, I thought I would not be nervous. I was not, because excitement took over throughout my whole body, completely ignoring the existence of nervousness. This is the beginning of my journey to University of Pennsylvania this summer.

Before driving to De Anza High School, I was persuading my mother to let me take the wheel; I have my license and insurance. Her excuse was that my insurance will be activated on March 31, 2015, not March 28, 2015. To me, a few days does not seem that big of a deal, but to my parents, it was the exact opposite. I had no counter arguments to back myself up, so in the end I sat near the wheel.
Sunny day at De Anza
Shortly after 12:40PM, I arrived on De Anza grounds, ready to go into the designated classroom for a four-hour learning session. It started off with a dose of rules and expectations from ILC to ILCers with complimentary side dishes of blogging, photographing, and uploading skills.

The last half of the session contained useful and practical information on what to bring, what not to bring, and attendance at other amazing events before heading off to University of Pennsylvania in June. The tutorial concluded smoothly as we lined up to practice locking up laptops, making sure we can safely secure our electronics back East, especially the ones we borrow from Don.
The All-Time Amazing Jumpshot Pic (from left to right: Shanti, Julie, and Komal)
Today's tutorial session was informative and it was nice seeing other ILCers there too. Now that the first official ILC event has been completed, I await to participate in the next one.

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